The use cases below, curated by our team, represent only a small fraction of the platform’s capabilities. Toggle the sliders below to experience the power of ATOM™ analytics.

Microgravity represents a reduction by six orders of magnitude in one of the fundamental forces: gravity. Under reduced gravity, a variety of systems and processes have unique behaviors and characteristics. Decades old physical and life science studies have looked into multiphase flow, material processing, solidification, combustion, surface wetting, growth of cellular cultures, protein crystallization, nano fluidics, biotechnology, plant and food production. For the first time, ATOM™ provides the means to bring to light the microscopic changes underlying these processes and quantify them through a suite of customized data science and analytics tools towards capturing the “delta-to-gravity”™

Fiber Optics Monitoring

ATOM™ monitoring of fiber optic uniformity during terrestrial and in-space manufacturing

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Microgravity Solid-Liquid Coarsening

ATOM™ detection, clustering and microstructure time evolution during microgravity processing

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Microgravity Alloy Casting

ATOM™ product superiority evaluation of in-space manufactured alloys (as compared to terrestrial control)


Microgravity Protein Crystallization

ATOM™ quantitative evaluation of protein crystals (size, number, structure, etc.) grown in microgravity

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Life Cycle of Monarch Butterfly Larvae in Microgravity

ATOM™ delta-to-gravity™ quantitative examination of monarch butterflies life cycle (ability to pupate, growth and emergence differences, etc.)


Microgravity Tissue Engineering

Myocard fiber performance grown in microgravity evaluated (density, fatigue, etc) using ATOM™ as compared to ground control