Our team has more than 150 years of combined expertise in business, space technology and microgravity, data science and software.
Ioana Cozmuta, PhD
Founder and CEO
Dr. Ioana Cozmuta, founder and CEO, Ph.D. Physics,
Recognized world expert in ISM and material design. Prior to founding G-SPACE, Dr. Cozmuta helped enterprises such as Business Finland, Orange Silicon Valley, and DuPont to evaluate emerging opportunities in the New Space Market and co-founded a ZBLAN ISM company. During her 15+ year career at NASA she successfully infused SoA technology and pushed the boundaries of innovation in multiple key technology areas. She is an alumni of Caltech and Stanford; has authored over 200 scientific articles and technical reports and is a member elect of the prestigious International Academy of Astronautics. She is Chairwoman of the Board.
Han Jansen
Han Jansen is G-SPACE Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer. He brings global leadership in finance and operations, with experience across semiconductors, high tech businesses, medical devices and pharmaceuticals including 11 years in FDA-regulated industries, as well as consumer packaged goods, domestic appliances and industrial markets.
A native of the Netherlands, Han has held global assignments in Europe, Asia, and the United States, spanning large ($1-2 Billion) to small companies (<$100 Million) companies. He has specialized skills in acquisitions and integration, a reputation for team engagement and collaboration, and enthusiasm and drive to make a positive impact on the G-Space team, its investors and customers.
Lauren Yglecias
Communications Director
Dr. Remus Osan, co-founder and CTO, Ph.D. Physics,
has 15+ years of recognized experience from Princeton & Boston U. in data science, neural network and machine learning models, image processing, SaaS and physics modeling with an impressive track record of publications in journals such as PNAS, PLOS, Phys Rev E.
Chief Product Officer
Dr. Remus Osan, co-founder and CTO, Ph.D. Physics,
has 15+ years of recognized experience from Princeton & Boston U. in data science, neural network and machine learning models, image processing, SaaS and physics modeling with an impressive track record of publications in journals such as PNAS, PLOS, Phys Rev E.
Remus Osan, PhD
Chief Technology Officer
Dr. Remus Osan, co-founder and CTO, Ph.D. Physics,
has 15+ years of recognized experience from Princeton & Boston U. in data science, neural network and machine learning models, image processing, SaaS and physics modeling with an impressive track record of publications in journals such as PNAS, PLOS, Phys Rev E.
Brian Motil, PhD
VP Microgravity
Dr. Brian Motil, VP of Microgravity, Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, retired NASA civil servant with over 30 years of experience leading space flight project research teams. Supervised the Microgravity Fluid Physics and Transport Branch at NASA, flew over 2400 reduced gravity aircraft parabolas and led the design and oversaw the development and execution of a suite of ISS flight experiments. He is an Associate Fellow in AIAA and deputy editor in chief for the Nature Microgravity Partner Journal.
Florin Bobis
SW Frontend
Dr. Remus Osan, co-founder and CTO, Ph.D. Physics,
has 15+ years of recognized experience from Princeton & Boston U. in data science, neural network and machine learning models, image processing, SaaS and physics modeling with an impressive track record of publications in journals such as PNAS, PLOS, Phys Rev E.
Ionut Neagos
SW Backend
Dr. Remus Osan, co-founder and CTO, Ph.D. Physics,
has 15+ years of recognized experience from Princeton & Boston U. in data science, neural network and machine learning models, image processing, SaaS and physics modeling with an impressive track record of publications in journals such as PNAS, PLOS, Phys Rev E.
Bharat Madan, PhD
Business Development Europe
Dr. Bharat Madan, COO, Ph.D. in MBA, recently New Markets and Applications Director at Aperam with over a decade of experience diversifying business strategy via model innovation and lean practices at companies such as Deutsche Bank, WNS Global. He is Treasurer of the Board.
Robert Feierbach
Space Technology
Robert Feierbach, Business Advisor (Space), is a high-tech serial entrepreneur with experience in LEO to GEO satellites with over 20 years executive experience at major commercial space companies (SSL, SpaceX). Excellent track record in capturing new business, sales and marketing domestically and internationally. He is President of the Board.